Rescue of Mrs Peck

Mrs Katherine Peck being rescued from her house in Highbridge Street by ARP and Fire Brigade personnel. Sadly, Mrs Peck died later from her injuries. V2 rocket incedent, 7th March 1945.

  • Year: 1945
  • Ref No: RSC.1945.282
  • Copyright: 2008 Raymond Sears
  • Street: Highbridge Street

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V2 hits Highbridge Street

As an 18 month old sitting in a pram in my aunt's tobacconist and sweet shop on Highbridge Street, I was covered in shards of glass from the shop's plate glass window blown in by the blast from this V2. I apparently sustained a small abrasion on one ankle but was otherwise unhurt and have no memory of the event. I have sought reparations as \"war wounded\" from both the British and German governments but to no avail.

Submitted on 08/02/2013 - 01:42 by John Butler

Mrs Katherine Peck

This is my Grandmother and I understand that she was making the beds upstairs and the glass from the windows blew into her causing her death. I was on a bus with my Mother Grace Peck on the way home, we were at Tramway Avenue and heard the explotion. My sister Daphne was buried under the rubble but was ok. The family was moved to No 2 Foxes Parade which used to be an old Fire Station. As a four year old I can remember sliding down the Firemans pole from our flat to the ground floor where they used to keep the fire engine. Edward Peck, Katerines husband was a blacksmith st Townsend's in Sun Street.

Submitted on 06/01/2013 - 14:40 by John Hewick