The chemist shop of S. M. Wilcox. When the Enfield Highway Co-operative Society came to Waltham Abbey in 1897, this was their first grocery shop. Later it became Marshall's Chemist, then Wilcox. Today (2008) it is Greggs Bakers Shop. This picture c1985.
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I am the eldest son of Mervyn Wilcox and remember happy days 'helping' in the shop when i was young.
Submitted on 02/02/2018 - 17:42 by Gareth Wilcox
Worked here early sixties, very happy times and great memories.
Submitted on 17/09/2015 - 10:37 by Pamela Page
I fondly remember S M Wilcox as one of my calls whilst a sales rep for a number of years. The downside was the smell from next door which was a slaughterhouse - happy days !!!
Submitted on 01/08/2014 - 20:42 by Graham Jones