Can anyone give me details for this picture?
Front Row L to R looks like Pat Grey, Margaret Tucker(head), Dean Nelson and Rachel Pillar
Photo of students who took part in a charity swim at the Waltham Abbey Swimming Pool. Further details would be helpful.
The name of the person on the left of the picture is Arron Smith, and the young boy to his left is me, Darren Collins. Also pictured are Mark Lawre...
Students engaged in a 6th form conference in the school library. Further details needed.
Students show off some of their day's catch at this fishing competition.
This was probably taken at one of the PTA fundraising events, with a teacher in the stocks. Can anyone give me more information on this?
I think this was another PTA fundraising activity. Can anyone give me more information?
A gorilla-gram was organised by members of Miss Strudwicks form to 'sweep her off her feet' during this special assembly. This photo was taken in t...
A reunion group met up for a special anniversary party after 20 Years. This group is still running (2008). Front Row L-R Karen Adamthwaite,?,Toni S...
This photo was shot in the are we now call the Kids Club (the waiting area outside the school hall). I think it works out as a reunion after 17 yea...
The reunion group meet up after an amazing 20 years. This party was held in the school hall in 1992. Names Front Row L-R Janice Colgate, Toni Simmo...
Mr Ward with Jill Frith and other staff from the Adult Education Centre, which had a base in King Harold school.
Our kitchen staff present part of their mouthwatering Swedish menu, to staff and pupils at their prizewinning lunch.
The Mayor of Waltham Abbey meeting children at our school for a special occasion. Front row left is Natalie Haigh, boy in the centre is Jake Moxh...
Year 11 students celebrate their GCSE exam results. Daniel Blair is pictured with Nina Maffei, Allysa Allen, Claire Gemmell, Latoya Johnson?
All dressed up and nowhere to go!
Serious work, this conference, an appetite for learning!
Who's looking cool then?