Fishing Competition

The name of the person on the left of the picture is Arron Smith, and the young boy to his left is me, Darren Collins. Also pictured are Mark Lawrence and Steve Kingsbury.

  • Year: 1982
  • Ref No: KHS.1982.34
  • Donated By: ON-Original Negative

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fishing competition

The name of the person on the left of the picture was Arron Smith, and the young boy to his left is me, Darren Collins.

Submitted on 05/03/2009 - 16:44 by Darren Collins

Fishing Competition KHS 1982.34

The persons on far right and centre right are Mark Lawrence and Steve Kingsbury who are both still resident in W. Abbey. The young guy on far left parents used to manage QueensArms pub, but can not remember his name.

Submitted on 11/10/2008 - 22:11 by Colin Ruggles