A misty Highbridge Street

Highbridge Street, near the Lea Bridge. This area was often misty during winter time, with the many rivers and the marshes just over the bridge. The road is still unmade. The Kings Arms public house is on the left and Perry's River on the right. This area is completeley different to-day. The river has gone, as has the Kings Arms. The road has also been widened. This picture c1885.

  • Year: 1885
  • Ref No: RSC.1885.323
  • Street: Highbridge Street

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corn mill at 34 Highbridge street

My Great Great grandfather,William Pallett and afterwards,his sons,owned and prospered with the corn,seeds,animal foods etc produced and sold at the Mill.

Submitted on 13/03/2018 - 21:37 by Margaret Reed

Highbridge Street

I think my mum, Ivy Mead, was born in Highbridge Street

Submitted on 24/08/2010 - 22:54 by Pat Fuller

Re: Kings Arms

My greatgrandfather, Arthur Jones Wheeler, was publican of the Kings Arms in the 1880's

Submitted on 27/08/2009 - 02:20 by Josi Husain