One of the twice yearly fairs that came to Waltham Abbey for some 800 years. Being in the main road it became a hazard and was discontinued in 1968...
Highbridge Street looking east. The entrance to the Whitemetal Smelting Company is just on the right of this picture. Picture 1960.
The front of the Town Hall decorated for the Coronation of Elizabeth 2nd in June 1953.
Inside the Town Hall looking towards the stage. Decorated for the Coronation of Elizabeth 2nd.
Inside the Town Hall looking towards the entrance hall. Decorated for the Coronation of Elizabeth 2nd.
Highbridge Street viewed from the old Refinery Bridge, looking east. The tall building was the County Court. On the right are the Ordnance Arms Pub...
The River Lea, Powdermill Lane. Became redundant after the Lea Navigation Canal was opened in 1777. Powdermill Lane was the main entrance to the No...
Old buildings on the Town Hall site. L-R: National Girl's School, Fire Engine Station, Police and Reading Rooms, and the East end of the first Leve...
George Macklin's Pawnbrokers Shop, 19, Highbridge Street. The E*R on the wall above is for the Coronation of Edward 7th in 1902. Macklin sold a a v...
Building the new lock on the North side of the Lea Bridge, in the Lea Navigational Canal. This exercise lowered the height of the water under the b...
Dismantleing the old lock on the Lea Navigational Canal, on the South side of the Lea Bridge.
Donald Macbeth's Milliners and Ladies Outfitters. 4-10 Highbridge Street.
Highbridge Street, near the Lea Bridge. This area was often misty during winter time, with the many rivers and the marshes just over the bridge. Th...
Waltham Abbey Town Hall, built by John Bentley Builders. Note the two arched doorways to the right of the front door. These were for use by the loc...
John Bentley Builders, building the Town Hall in 1904. The Town Hall was built on the old Camps Court site, next to the Cornmill Stream.
Highbridge Street looking West showing how narrow it was in the 19th century. On the extreme left is the end of the general meeting hall, cum readi...
Waltham Abbey Town Hall decorated for the Coronation of King George V1 in May 1937.
A small cul-de-sac called North Place, which was between 34 and 36 Highbridge Street. It no longer exists to-day and is now part of Plantagenet Pla...
The Hikers Rest, Highbridge Street. Situated just east of the River Lea. This was formerly the boot and shoe repair shop of Alex Parsons. This pict...
The Old Cock Inn, 2 Highbridge Street in 1892. The building was demolished in 1893 and the Cock Hotel was built on the site in 1984. Note the unmad...
The old slum called Camps Court can be seen bottom right. This complex was demolished and the Town Hall built on the site. Picture taken from the c...
A view inside Waltham Abbey Town Hall looking towards the stage. This picture taken around 1980.
Mr Harry Goodey with his barge horse. Barge horses towed barges laden with coal, timber and other goods on the River Lea between London and Hertfor...
An aerial view of Highbridge Street and the Royal Gunpowder Mills site. The roundabout at Powdermill Lane can be seen on the left of the picture. T...
Government House in Highbridge Syreet, decorated for the Coronation of Elizabeth 2nd in June 1953.
Government House, Highbridge Street. The message on the wall reads 'E.R.D.E. extends loyal greetings to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 2nd, God save T...
Government House, Highbridge Street (opposite Powdermill Lane), decorated for thr Coronation of Elizabeth 2nd, June 1953.
A Christmas Bazaar, held in the Town Hall in December 2001.
A British Red Cross meeting in the Town Hall c1970.